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Old 05-11-2018, 07:12 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
there's like 35 minutes worth of deluxe tracks on that one, sheesh. interesting that "Copenhagen" isn't on it

new single sounds great. quite a bit different from the live version. maybe this will be a new sort of direction.
Old 05-11-2018, 12:22 PM
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 414
Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
Now that is a deluxe edition!!!
Tiny Foldable Cities sounds much better than its live version. The tweaks and changes definitely turned it into a solid album track.

Copenhagen and Kinetic 2017 are a part of the bigger bundle, but for me it's no real biggie that they were left off as I already bought them digitally in lossless.

I love Wonky. It has actually become my favorite Orbital album along with In Sides and Snivilisation. I hope they can continue their upward path from Wonky.


2018 is looking to be a great year for electronic music if you still love the classic artists from the 90s. Meat Beat Manifesto just put out a new album. We got albums from Orbital, Underworld, The Chemical Brothers, and The Prodigy coming!

Now someone go get Fluke to reform.
Old 05-11-2018, 03:57 PM
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Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
Originally Posted by iamneorev View Post


2018 is looking to be a great year for electronic music if you still love the classic artists from the 90s. Meat Beat Manifesto just put out a new album. We got albums from Orbital, Underworld, The Chemical Brothers, and The Prodigy coming!

Now someone go get Fluke to reform.
Absolutely! Fluke are in my top 10 artists list, for sure.
New Hybrid in the works, too. Very excited for new Orbital and all the rest. 90's -00's electronic artists set a high bar that most of today's artists can't touch. Well, ok, maybe Jon Hopkins...that guy's new record is incredible. I've listened in full at least a dozen times this week.
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Old 05-15-2018, 07:55 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
did not know about the Chems or Prodigy, nice

I believe The Orb have a new one coming out. I thought their last two were ace. But the promo single for this one seems ah...a bit off

dunno what's been going on with Fluke. I remember liking the spinoff group Syntax a lot. their "2nd album" was supposed to be a 3-part EP, but they only managed the first part and then just fell off the earth. hmmm....
Old 05-15-2018, 07:59 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 946
Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
and yeah I don't mind that "Copenhagen" isn't on the album - I find that a bit interesting since it's such a great "classic Orbital" single, not really groundbreaking in any way but it sounds incredible and if you're a lifelong fan then it'll probably trigger some familiar emotions. the fact that it isn't on the album tells me that this isn't going to be as much of a 'throwback' as Wonky was
Old 05-15-2018, 04:07 PM
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Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
Originally Posted by 34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j View Post
there's like 35 minutes worth of deluxe tracks on that one, sheesh. interesting that "Copenhagen" isn't on it
15-20 years ago, all those bonus tracks would have been b-sides. Shame single releases aren't quite a profitable thing anymore - it was fun to hunt these things down.
Old 05-18-2018, 12:39 PM
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Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
I didnt think Wonky was that much of a throwback. In fact, it was annoyingly modern. The vocals and styles on some tracks meant I havent listened to it in years.
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Old 05-19-2018, 07:28 PM
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 414
Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
I didn't find Wonky to be a complete throwback. It had its moments, but yes a more modern Orbital. I actually quite like Wonky. It has become one of my faves for its balance of classic and modern Orbital. I like that Orbital went with something a bit more modern. The vocals didn't bother me. Some quite powerful tracks. Wonky, In Sides, Snivilisation... those are my jams.
Old 05-19-2018, 07:30 PM
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 414
Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
P.S. Am I the only one that thinks Wipeout XL soundtrack deserves a Record Store Day reissue?!?!?! Sadly, it's 20th anniversary came and went, but that soundtrack deserves the love. Reissue the two MTV's Amp compilations as well. But especially a Wipeout XL vinyl reissue would be amazing! I think that would be sought after. Make a wild packaging or colorful vinyl for it. Anyone see the Star Wars Tai Fighter 3D vinyl? Do that with the Wipeout crafts with each team and their craft on each side of the vinyl. :P
Old 05-28-2018, 09:14 PM
Join Date: Dec 2011
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Re: 2017 THREAD Orbital are back! Whatever happens will happen again!
I also caught Orbital's Biggest Weekend set from Friday and it is not one to be missed, either.
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