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Old 04-01-2006, 02:27 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: east coast usa
Posts: 2,426
its been awhile,

but while i was digging up all my underworld
books, magazines..i found the 'bareback' book..i
(i still need to get 'process' though)..

has anyone tried to decipher any of the
words over the last couple of years?

i was going to do something with them,
but never got around to it.

it was hard because the text was just a
slightly different shade than the page color
for a lot of them..

Old 04-04-2006, 06:33 AM
Malt Refund
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: nyc
Posts: 301
Re: _bareback_words_
I actually bought a whole other Bareback book just so I could experiement rubbing things on the pages to bring the words out. It never really worked, I use that second Bareback copy as my mousepad now. ^__^

I jumped out of my seat the first time I saw that text in the page. I'll translate a few pages, maybe I'll do some at work later. Some pages are harder to read then others, that light blue page is reaaally tough.
Xbox Live: Banstyle (wow what a gamerscore!)
Old 04-04-2006, 02:34 PM
Malt Refund
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: nyc
Posts: 301
Re: _bareback_words_
Yeah this gives me something fun to do at work.. if anyone wants to take a color, go for it. Here's pages 1 and 2, [COLOR=magenta]hot pink[/COLOR]. I'll do one a day if I have time.

"So I put a frame around this sound
A frame of time and place
It comes to me just like music
It 'is' music
Music of cities
And I pull chunks out
Always delighted by how succinctly they recreate 'The Moments',
And 7 days to get your dry cleaning, and I thought
Japan, fast, on it. Yeah, get anything you want fast, but no, 7 bloddy days,
white was all. Then I went in the fridge.
all there was this lemon and a fish in some sort of sauce.
It was a sausage carrot cemetery,
it was like a crotchy sweat-box when I got up this morning!'
Nobby is like stick with fur
You got you Japanese in English
Whiskey Pizza
'Les McEwan, I seen his wedding pictures'

I am Lonely Bollock
But not always
Sometimes 'Happy Bollock'
How about you?

We suffer rubber

'She's gone to the loo to listen to the Monkeys.'
'Daydream Believer?'
Don't shave the nipple
Don't feel the Reaper
So Don't share the needle
Caz says,
'Dog faggot'
Yuri says
Jellyfish riding the bicycle
Nothing is four letter word in Japan, 'cause in Japan is Utopia
what do you say when you crash the car?
You say 'Your belly button has popped out!
I'm so proud, I'm a swear word!
You like hungry shouting things!
Still, that way of girls saying things is a little bit different,
a bit scared
Do the girlthing now
He's gonna love that toilet, there's a club in that toilet

You want to do the laughing and shouting?
there's screaming and there's water everywhere,
So, please
very difficult
Very difficult to explain
very Special Toilet
Yeah, Very LOUD!
Sometimes, Born Slippy in that toilet
Sometimes in the convenience store
Born Slippy, very good toilet song

Where is Utopia?
It's in there, it's got REALLY LOUD MUSIC
I wake the sound of sirens in the rush hour, it's beautiful.
This morning the city performs a most wonderful symphony, the noise of it-
it's breathtaking

may never happen again, not will I ever have words to expresss its majesty-
so I lie there, listening, feeding on it"
Xbox Live: Banstyle (wow what a gamerscore!)

Last edited by Malt Refund; 04-04-2006 at 05:40 PM.
Old 04-04-2006, 02:49 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 3,824
Re: _bareback_words_
thanks for taking the time to do this.
UW0764 || Professor: "Underworld have never failed to disappoint me" || Yannick changed my avatar picture.
Old 04-04-2006, 04:35 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: in (a) transit
Posts: 313
Re: _bareback_words_
This is like archaeology in action...

lonely bollock? Happy bollock?


Cheers for that, I don't have this.
scratchy wool
Old 04-04-2006, 05:39 PM
Malt Refund
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: nyc
Posts: 301
Re: _bareback_words_
Still have more time tonight. Here's pages 3 and 4, which are [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR]. I love doing this, I've always actually wanted to but I didnt think anyone was interested. There you go. ^__^

If you want to help out, be careful not to smudge the page, the grease from your finger alone can kill the text, it's sooo fragile.

"When we're sad it makes us happy
looks back in her backwards shirt
She smiles in her corner
Smiles back in her backwards shirt when I wave
And then they ask us questions
And give us labels
useless labels foe this we do
'What's your passion?'
'What's you position?'

or make

or think

Collision and accidents are the engines inside of it
You want more tea?
You want stimulation?

<two lines.. unreadable on my copy>
Beat son
Young Sunday
Digital rock in shock
Give me another love song, this ones broken
Ultra bear in the lift she says
I'll tell you a funny story later
he says

Uh, Uh and laughs
We dont have much time, he says.
cause I'm only gonna know you till midnight
Scare movie

Amazing noise
Amazing shaking
Happy dog Mexican wrestler mask

Danger lurks in a hang down hairdo!

Bear and Rabbit (We love Sport)



I just had this perfect column of flies, like 'over my head!
I put 'Black and White' on it must've smell of fruit
Giant bloody columnecede:
Light is sound
Shit is beautiful
And 'Everything is Shit and Dust' she said

'I am just a waitress', she said
There's no silence
Only layers of one continuously evolving sound
A sound simultaneously close and distant
And I hear layers
And I can distinguish one element from another
This is how I came to know the world
I was taught to Seperate things
Build a 3D soundscape
Put everything in its place
Not 'One thing' but many

And yet
With the help of a little persistent abuse
I've learnt to 'unlisten' these transient frangments
Reconstitute them as one sound
Return to 'Mono'
A single
Two dimensional
Linear narrative

There are no sentences
Only continious dialogue
The lines between definitions blur
Conversations are poetry
The City is filled with Rhythm
Beautiful Melody
Noise is music
Fragments protrude and recede
Light is sound
Shit is beautiful
And 'Everything is Shit and Dust' she said
Tightly woven and Passed between us like runners in a relay.

He's kissing her between the <smudged>
Her white legs out of her skirt
Her lips into his
Sucking at her
Feeling her up
Even her thighs
Even her kneeds in her exposed expensive sun
Even the girl
Even the old bloke
Looks back in passing
Her crossed legs bare to his hand
She lets him feel
Perhaps is even 'heightened' by public access"
Xbox Live: Banstyle (wow what a gamerscore!)
Old 04-05-2006, 04:08 PM
Malt Refund
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: nyc
Posts: 301
Re: _bareback_words_
Here's part three, in [COLOR=royalblue]blue[/COLOR].

no alcohol
no night
no alcohol night
no solitary transience
the Sahara Desert
All the Sound of the World in the most 'silent' place
Like a Mountain Memory
English made simple
Creative mouth food speaker
and more beautiful for it

I am lonely bollock
Sometimes 'Happy Bollock'
That's Road Cabbage.
Speak Lark,
Oh, you killed it,
You killed 'The Egg'
I can't remember the title
it smells like fish
the Bamboo smells like fish
(it 'does' aswell!)


Doll matcher, we need a Doll matcher in-between
Doll matcher, yeah
Bunny moon cup
Saki head
Love god living in a city
'You bring your Dad?, how he like it?'
Candle food menu
That's not 'my' fault, I got 'bad function', I got 'map damage'
like a monkey and a pig
Ten thousand guarenteed - monkey and a pig
This is like falling down

We look at each other, the 'Ghost Cat' the 'Monkey Pig'
We say,

'Are you a baby salty?'
Pig berry.
it's like a Badger.

'Don't say that, he'll be upset!'
'Do they eat their dreams?'

'Why, 'cause they're black and white and they got fur?'
'I heard a sad story about the animal in the zoo,
and everything is 'useless' and that animal eats dreams'

'I thought you were talking about that very gentle, very lovely,'
but people 'shoot' them

(very nice)

Nobby the nightmare,
Nobby loves us,
Play ball
Catch the ball
It's scary
Lovely eyes Nobby

(I 'think' it's a 'him')

Relentless legs,
so intouch with their fitness
Toast my cookies
Fish market 6am


Up the station stairs
At the Taxi
Bunny Lucky Taxi
He thinks he's a dog in the cup
Dog Cup
Cup Dog
Dog Puck"
Xbox Live: Banstyle (wow what a gamerscore!)
Old 04-06-2006, 01:10 PM
Malt Refund
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: nyc
Posts: 301
Re: _bareback_words_
Another day, another post! Here's pages 7 and 8, in a [COLOR=blue]stronger blue[/COLOR].


I was a part of it now
No longer the Observer
I was the pissed and retching meat that I'd written about
for years
and Alone
Fair game to be 'sampled' into somebody else's
'Linear Narrative'

a clean and simple idea
a way to hear what is always there
A glass held against the adjoining wall
a way of focusing
A way of making it easy to be 'intuitive'
To take what I wanted and get out
unnoticed and unscathed
Deliberate and Easy

Minneapolis (and water)
Debbie Harry
Romford to London
London to Romford
Tube trains under London
Prostitute Poetry Telephone cards
by plane
by train
Me in the centre of me
Alone as the constant
Alcohol as the 'companion'
and 'travelling'
And Alcohol
night in the alleys of cities

Tiny cracked image of night in an alley in Verona
night in the east end of London
Greenwich Village
Grammercy Park
all at night

Tokyo, (any time in Tokyo)
English as a foreign language
simplified and more beautiful for it
Something fresh about the 'fragments' there
Little dubious cartoon girls
Manga Prostitute cards
Concealed emotions

Paper Dogs
sniff my pen
in London/NewYork/Tokyo
Mouth singing 'lager'
no punctuations,- continuous flow"
Xbox Live: Banstyle (wow what a gamerscore!)

Last edited by Malt Refund; 04-06-2006 at 04:34 PM.
Old 04-06-2006, 04:34 PM
Malt Refund
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: nyc
Posts: 301
Re: _bareback_words_
One more for tonight, pages 9 and 10.. [COLOR=mediumturquoise]some kind of celedon[/COLOR]? I have the hardest pages to read tomorrow.

"I'd wake up
Eager to see what was in the note book
Picking over them pieces
Re-awakening them Beautiful fragements
Vivid images from the previous night's trawl
That stuff was wonderfilled
and 'Free'
Soon I couldn't walk the streets or travel in the underground
without experiencing fantastic things
Like flash-backs
I didn't need to be pissed to see that stuff now
I was open to it
I'd been shown where it was
and I couldn't get it fast enough

The music came with me from NewYork
I trawled the bars and alleys of London
Pissed and alone
Sniffin' it aarrt
The Music was beautiful
The Night was beautiful
sniffin' the sweet wind in there
A Dog
A meat thing thinking with its dick
Salt Boy on heat
Animal Boy Thing

'What part of your body you thinking with now?'
'Same bit I been listening to for 5 years mate!'
Something like a 'prick' with a braincell

the music was changing
The Alcohol Thing
Didn't work the same
And I couldn't get into the nights like I used to
They were getting darker
Tunnel vision

Ugly stuff
Face down the hole
Stomach in the water
Blood in the water
Nothing in the stomach only water
Thick liquid drips from between the lips

Calling your name into the White Porcelain



You could taste the twist forming in it
The Spirit darkening
And I couldn't see the beauty anymore
All I could see was 'shit'
Just shit and fucked unhappy up faces
and those were my faces
'My' music
lonely and bitter
and I wanted


I 'needed'


I wanted to hear it again
go deeper
Disappeared into it
the weird shit
'Sniff it out'
and 'out Weird-it'

'What part of your body you thinking with now?'
Soul-less without a braincell, and Ravenous
The 'door'
The way into the 'Music of cities'
Pissed and crawling through the streets at night

of NewYork
of London
of Tokyo

of Any city
It didn't matter now
Anywhere with bares and alleys
Anywhere with street-shit
beautiful street-shit
Anything to get involved in"
Xbox Live: Banstyle (wow what a gamerscore!)

Last edited by Malt Refund; 04-06-2006 at 04:36 PM.
Old 04-06-2006, 04:57 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: east coast usa
Posts: 2,426
Re: _bareback_words_
holy cow, what a birthday gift!

geez, thats a lot of work..

yeah, i remember what it was like
trying to transcribe text from ads,
magazines, etc..

i wonder if there were any lyrics
in there?

pretty random stuff huh..

and its all different..

thanx again

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