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Old 05-09-2011, 11:06 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Originally Posted by Future Proof View Post
The people that protested and burnt US flags, as well as those that committed acts of terror on 9/11 aren't fit to be called Muslims. They're practicing from an extremist's point of view, an interpretation that unfortunately spawned the idea that killing in the name of Allah was acceptable.

It's like insinuating that the wonderful folk of Westboro Baptist Church speak for all Christians. The WBC folk happen to pray to the same God, but from there it gets all convoluted and everyone seems to calmly recognize this.

Come on Arab Spring!

Yeah, I shoulda used this example as it doesn't bring in all the extra ??? that go along with gay people. Or something I guess.

I just wanted to get a jab into gay people I hate, and their hypocrite political butt buddies that apparently love them for lying too if it means being all "Straight Ahead". (wink, wink, - I don't WANT your kind to like me).

Last edited by jOHN rODRIGUEZ; 05-09-2011 at 03:42 PM. Reason: Because I was on a public comp and timed out. :-)
Old 05-09-2011, 05:04 PM
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
(I notice tit-for-brains left the discussion...)
Old 05-09-2011, 08:00 PM
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Originally Posted by human151 View Post
I find it hysterical that most who browse this board will go out of their way to be try to PC.
It's not being PC to acknowledge the simple truth that the worst members of any group do not inherently represent that group as a whole. For instance, you frequent the Dirty forums, and yet you are clearly not representative of the group as a whole.
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Old 05-09-2011, 09:38 PM
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
I find it hysterical that a bigotted, racist twat drops in with streams of drivel.

potatoes/potatos etc...
Old 05-10-2011, 01:55 PM
issue 37
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Originally Posted by //\/\/
I find it hysterical that a bigotted, racist twat drops in with streams of drivel.
I don't think he's bigoted or racist. Just strangely dim for a grown man. It's half capitalism-gone-right, and half evolution-gone-wrong. One of the key things that usually makes more evolved humans stand apart from beasts is their ability (and desire) to move beyond such simplistic tribal views. But there is a percentage of the human population who, for whatever reason, seem to struggle with anything that isn't a stark black and white view of the world - hence the oversimplistic-to-the-point-of-inaccurate generalisations. I don't think it's malice as such, it's just his brain wired up a different way to most grown-ups. All the Homer Simpson-isms ("So I guess you all think.... huh???) are just his unending frustration with himself.

Or maybe he really does have a tit for a brain...
Old 05-10-2011, 02:34 PM
It's Written In The Book!
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
okay, y'all this is not appropriate. he has a different view from us— it's not right to insult him on a personal level and cite evolutionary theory as to why you think he's an idiot. my mother has an IQ of 156 and she believes this shite. just because someone is misguided does not give us carte blanche to insult him. let's stick to the issues, okay?
Old 05-10-2011, 02:56 PM
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
bollocks to that - he wants straight talking. my view of him isn't just from this crap, but also from previous 'discussions'. I stand by every word. anyway - seems like he's trolled off.
Old 05-10-2011, 04:03 PM
issue 37
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
I'm willing to forgive ignorance, I'm just less forgiving of wilful ignorance.

I'm also willing to overlook the odd lapse in judgment, the odd uncalled-for sarcasm or inappropriateness. We all sink to it from time to time. But not nearly all the time. And not directed at everyone else in the very first post of a thread, as with this one. And not in direct response to polite and thoughtful posts from your opponents, as in other threads. Where's the basic courtesy there? Where's the engagement? People here have shown unbending patience with the guy over the years - certainly at the outset of a thread, when he's always had the benefit of the doubt. And it doesn't change a thing.

How many times has he come out with not just an ignorant comment but an offensively ignorant one - absolutely stupid inflammatory remarks that usually begin with "So you're happy for...."? And then one of us will type a careful response, whether brief or at length - and he just proceeds to make a new point or posts a new link, without acknowledging what's been said? It's like he doesn't WANT to engage. You can only treat your opponents like that so many times before people stop taking you seriously.

IQ is irrelevant. This isn't just about his ignorance, and it's certainly not about someone having a different point of view. It's about a more general attitude.
Old 05-10-2011, 04:33 PM
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
I remember the Sarc-B calling the 151 guy out a while back on the same thing. Honestly, I don't really remember much of what he's said before. But, I mean, I'm not hear as much as it may appear. This is the only fun place to talk trash on political topics that's actually FUN. For me at least.

Old 05-10-2011, 11:40 PM
It's Written In The Book!
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over the years??? this guy (almost typed goy lol) has only made posts of this type for the past few months. he's only got 30 posts total, most of which are just replies to other posts about video games, movies, etc. your patience is awfully short! if we reduce ourselves to that kind of level so quickly we are pretty much taking our "open-mindedness" argument, lighting it on fire, stomping on it, and then running over it with a ford taurus. i can understand offering explanations, arguments, and good debate, but i don't see the point in running someone down because they have made a couple of posts wherein his misguided opinions are honestly not uncommon in this time period, and generally supported by the mainstream media. if he doesn't reply to our posts, fine, but why turn this into a bashing thread? just let it go, jeez!
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