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Old 05-08-2011, 08:30 AM
this is bat country
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
If I may....

The one thing that stands out to me is that "hate" protesting was allowed. In the US, hate crimes...that is to say, those that are crimes of pure hatred and disrespect toward a particular group of people, (black, white, gay, straight, Christian, get the point) are not tolerated. Neither are gatherings of hate. For example... you can't gather publicly and start chanting about how much hate _______ people, and that they should all be killed or hurt. You can air your grievances, but you can't incite people to go out and do harm. You do have the freedom to complain, but you can't yell "fire" in a movie theater and cause a panic and then defend yourself with the free speech argument.
In my opinion, protesting the killing of Bin Laden is an agreeable protest... I mean, how could it not be.. it's a very touchy subject with many sides. Did he deserve to die? Probably. Is it our government's responsibility to actually seek out and kill him... gray area. Will we all be safer because he's dead.... probably not. The point is, that many people will have many different opinions about it, and they all have the right to gather and holler about it.... but what they can't, or should I say, shouldn't do, is start saying things like "the West will pay" and "kill americans" and so on. Those are threats, and rooted in hate, and in this country that sort of thing wouldn't be tolerated.

I quote Dave Chapelle "If you've got hate in your heart... LET IT OUT"

Carry on...

Side note. If you are under the age of 18, what the hell do you know?
Old 05-08-2011, 09:45 AM
It's Written In The Book!
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Originally Posted by Professor View Post

Side note. If you are under the age of 18, what the hell do you know?

how'd you find out he was under 18?

it seems his sub-title says 'deletion'. i hope he made it that versus someone banning him or deleting him— i don't agree with banning anyone that i don't agree with.

back to the main subject— those people are jerks and should probably go back home where they'll be happier being certifiably insane.

i think the reason people disagree with you, human151, is that you seem to stereotype the entire religion as having the same views as the extremists, saying "muslims" as a whole. we don't disagree with you that the people carrying out these protests are motherfuckers. but we do disagree with lumping them in with a group of 1.2 billion people and calling them all the same thing— many of us have muslim friends that carry out some degree of observance, and we can guarantee you that none of them are terrorists or would go to a protest against osama's being killed.

are you familiar with fred phelps, the G-d hates fags guy? it would be like me saying that all christians are like him, homophobic, anti-america, hate-mongering, etc., when obviously that isn't the case. but put yourself into the shoes of someone in, say, indonesia, where there is a low christian population. who's going to make the news over there, the christian who minds his own business and performs acts of love, or fred phelps? the opposite is true about muslims— you hear about this group of muslims overseas who are completely evil, and you associate all muslims with that group because you aren't famiiar with that group.

let's phrase this a different way. you order pizza from domino's all the time, and don't get sick. tonight you order a pizza from domino's, with your favourite toppings on it, pepperoni, onions and red pepper. but tonight, you decide to try something different— tonight you decide to add anchovies to your pizza. the pizza arrives, you eat it, and go to sleep. at 4 AM you wake up and puke all over the floor.

now here's the question: what made you sick?

your gut reaction is the anchovies, right? because you weren't familiar with them and you figured they were the thing that made you sick.

well, it turns out the pepperoni was what made you sick because they left it out all night and it got gooey and gross.

but i promise you won't think of that first. that's basically how you're interpreting the actions of these muslims overseas— you aren't familiar with the group so you lump them all into one big group.

here's a final question for you. there are 1.2 billion muslims in the world, the largest religious group second only to christians at around 2.1 billion. if all muslims are terrorists, or associated with terrorists, why aren't we all fucking dead?
Old 05-08-2011, 11:18 AM
issue 37
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Prof and Bryant - well said, chaps.

Originally Posted by human151
Its also really insulting that these protests would come form the U.K., the closest friend of the USA. The country we are most culturally similar with. Simply amazing the british people would do something like this.
^^ This one's a classic even by your standards!

Originally Posted by human151 are all probably going to sauy that there is nothing wrong with these muslims protesting this issue, huh?
Protest = fine.

Incitement to violence = not fine.

These protestors overstepped the mark into incitement ("USA you will pay") so yes, I see plenty wrong with what they were doing.

If however you're asking whether we agree with the object of the protest - do we agree that the killing of OBL was wrong... well it's true that I'm not entirely comfortable with state-sponsored assassination per se - but try as I might, I'm struggling to shed any tears about this one. Nope. Nothing but dry eyes here. In fact, how do I feel about bin Laden no longer being around? Pretty damn good. If we're to believe what we've been told by the US, then I think the way it was carried out was brave and appropriate. I give far more of a shit about the hundreds of innocent Pakistani and Afghan civilians who have been killed by US drone attacks than I do about the death of OBL. The world is better off without him.

Originally Posted by human151
SOme, like the poster above me even equates MUSLIMS terrorists with "white conservatives" lol.
I think the point jOHN was trying to make was that generalizing about over a billion Muslims is as daft as generalizing about white conservatives. I don't believe there was any serious attempt by jOHN to suggest that flying planes into skyscrapers, killing thousands of people, and beheading innocent tourists is no worse than a Republican congressman preaching family values while secretly sucking the saucy sausage in an airport bathroom. Seriously. But then you already knew that, didn't you? You were just pretending he was making a more direct moral equivalence so that you could attack him for that instead. Which is pretty weak of you.

Last edited by Deckard; 05-08-2011 at 11:20 AM.
Old 05-08-2011, 11:48 AM
this is bat country
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
For the record, I didn't know anything about 151's age... it just seemed like a childish way of approaching this particular topic.

I think there are some great debates here if people are willing to get into the conversation thoughtfully... think about it before you go off. My quip about being under 18 applies to many here on these forums who are just kids being stupid not h151 in particular. If I had to guess, I'd say there's a troll in the basement.
Old 05-08-2011, 11:54 AM
this is bat country
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
and to be honest... I'm kinda feeling the same thing, Deckard--not sure about state sponsored assassination, but not really upset that he's dead. I think that I'd just rather not know. Sorry to say, that when it comes to killing the bad guy... ding dong the witch is dead works for me.. and when they ask how.... I'd just rather believe a house fell on him.
Old 05-08-2011, 12:31 PM
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Everybody just ignore all the angles, diatribe, ethos, etc. in all the above and refer to my example. It's quick and to the point. And if you still don't get it, you're stupid or something. Get tutoring.

Originally Posted by Deckard View Post
. . . But then you already knew that, didn't you? You were just pretending he was making a more direct moral equivalence so that you could attack him for that instead. Which is pretty weak of you.
Wait, for reals? What an a-hole, I thought there was something special about me.

Last edited by jOHN rODRIGUEZ; 05-08-2011 at 01:11 PM. Reason: Like that?
Old 05-08-2011, 12:53 PM
this is bat country
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
hey john... cmnd/B dude.
Old 05-08-2011, 09:04 PM
It's Written In The Book!
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Originally Posted by Professor View Post
For the record, I didn't know anything about 151's age... it just seemed like a childish way of approaching this particular topic.

I think there are some great debates here if people are willing to get into the conversation thoughtfully... think about it before you go off. My quip about being under 18 applies to many here on these forums who are just kids being stupid not h151 in particular. If I had to guess, I'd say there's a troll in the basement.
i'm not too eager to jump on someone because of their age— i'm 21, and so many times i have been put aside in debates by people older than me simply by "you're not even drinking age yet, what do you know?", which typically happened when i made a good point and they could no longer defend their position. it's an ad-persona argument which i try to avoid at all costs— they aren't really relevant and detract from the issue at hand.

and for the record i don't get the two posts above me.
Old 05-08-2011, 09:07 PM
Future Proof
Richard Simmons
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
The people that protested and burnt US flags, as well as those that committed acts of terror on 9/11 aren't fit to be called Muslims. They're practicing from an extremist's point of view, an interpretation that unfortunately spawned the idea that killing in the name of Allah was acceptable.

It's like insinuating that the wonderful folk of Westboro Baptist Church speak for all Christians. The WBC folk happen to pray to the same God, but from there it gets all convoluted and everyone seems to calmly recognize this.

Come on Arab Spring!
Old 05-09-2011, 07:12 AM
this is bat country
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Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
cmnd/b = toggle bold type face.

Future Proof... I agree.
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