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Old 11-21-2010, 02:36 AM
Dirty Saint
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 114
Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
Originally Posted by vacant View Post
I was impressed too. Few too many dickheads who'd spent the night on the lager and disco biscuits (saw one guy with a huge bag full of 'em getting chucked out the bogs) but the show was great. Would have been nice to hear Pearls Girl in the encore, but no complaints with the rest of the set list. Cowgirl and Moaner in particular fucking had it!
Exactly this
Old 11-21-2010, 03:00 PM
Dirty Saint
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 114
Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
More detailed review

Firstly the support...Appleblim...oh dear
Silver Colums - too bloody loud...was soooo distorted could not make head or tail or most of it ;(
Underworld...we got great spot around 4 rows from front, smack in middle but once Downpipe dropped the whole area packed out with drunk/drugged out idiots who thought that pushing everyone was a cool idea...I like a could jump around but to the extent where I risk being bundled to the ground aint funny.

Moved back to around half way back where it was a bit more civilized

Great set list ever versions of King of the Snake / Moaner I have heard...really enjoyed the ripped up intro to Born Slippy..& special mention to the encore of Dirty Epic

So in shocking, 'disco biscuit' brigade' ruined the start but set list more than made up for it
Old 11-22-2010, 01:15 AM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 209
Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
Enjoyed the gig as usual, obviously very similar to the iTunes and Forum gigs in terms of setlist. Still can't get my head around the fact that I knew what was coming next....but that aside, I thought there was great energy from the stage and from the crowd.

I think some of the new stuff came across reall well (ALAF, Scribble, Between Stars), but Bird1 and Diamond Jigsaw not as well. Bird1 is a bit moody compared to the rest of the set that is more uplifting - I do love the tune but when its live, I kind of get the feeling it does not go anywhere (and those 'syth plops' hurt my ears!!). Although Stumpet came acorss great at Brixton a couple of years ago...

Was great to hear Dirty Epic but its obviously not part of the 'standard' set as the visuals (screen) were re-used from the Oblivian tour and the lights were not doing much. Great versions of the classics KoS, BS, TMO. Dark (Nu?) Train. I do love the now shortened version of TMO.

Not sure why the gig needed to be a late one (the support did not justify the 4hours of waiting!)...but maybe I am just getting old!

I have to say, I think Downpipe has been a great opening tune on this tour, really kicks the gig of at a great tempo and grabs everyones attention from the beginning.

My colelction of thoughts seems to be in a random order! Anyway, great gig, great venue, great energy
Old 11-22-2010, 02:35 AM
jose m
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Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
"the whole area packed out with drunk/drugged out idiots"

So in shocking, 'disco biscuit' brigade' ruined the start but set list more than made up for it[/QUOTE]

i'm proud to be one of the "disco biscuit" brigade.
without us the atmosphere would be shit.
rave on !
Old 11-22-2010, 03:00 AM
scream to go faster
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Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
Having got in to the Academy at about 10.45pm, we managed to find a lot of space at the front just to the right hand side of centre stage. I thought Sliver Columns and Applebim weren't too bad actually.
As midnight approached, it got a bit busier around us but not mobbed and no spaced out dickheads at all, just a group of Italians who were just slightly annoying.

Anyway, I thought the gig was just simply awesome. Had lower expectations than previous gigs because knew what they were going to play next, but I was blown away, much more than at the iTunes gig.
I agree completely with whatmakesustick about Bird1, and Diamond Jigsaw is not my favourite, but others around us seemed to really enjoy it.
Had the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when Dirty Epic started, but just wished they had enough time to squeeze in Pearl's Girl as a final encore.

Really looking forward to heading up to Manchester on Thursday! Bring it on!!
Old 11-22-2010, 05:51 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 12
Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
I had been looking forward to this gig since i bought the tickets - as soon as they came out. I fuckin live for underworld. Got turned away at the door. absolutely fucking gutted
Old 11-22-2010, 06:25 AM
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Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
Originally Posted by mel View Post
I had been looking forward to this gig since i bought the tickets - as soon as they came out. I fuckin live for underworld. Got turned away at the door. absolutely fucking gutted
Old 11-22-2010, 10:09 AM
Big Time
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Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
Wow it was great to see Underworld in Brixton. I had been there a year ago and saw Orbital, they really failed to impress and fell victim to the very airy acoustics in the room resulting in the sound being fucked beyond belief.

Silver Columns fell into this trap too and they had way too much high end, resulting in a whole set that left you covering your ears from the screeching distortion and noise. But from what I heard their stuff sounds fairly interesting and the last song really finished on a high.

Appleblim kept the mood fairly deep and layed on the subfrequencies from the start and between SilverColumns and Underworld. While Underworld were being set up his set was absolutely brilliant with some fantastic mixing... there was some of the smelliest weed going around during this part of his set and by the time he was finished the place was totally on the same level and the excitement in the room was off the scale... this is exactly what was needed from a support act and especially a DJ. Their number one objective is to get everyone on the same page... so that the atmosphere is perfect for the lads when they hit the stage. So contrary to what others were saying about Appleblim i thought he was great!

While Appleblim was doing his first set i spotted Rick at the sound desk checking out the sound. I waited till he left, introduced myself and shook his hand, thanking him for all the great music and good times... he said he was happy to hear there were a few dirts in the crowd .. and as i was just moving away he pulled me back and said "now I hope we put on a good show!".. we had a quick laugh shook his hand again ...FANTASTIC MOMENT! Absolute hero of mine, I was chuffed he took a minute to talk to me!

And well we all know that the gig was how it has been for awhile.

1. Downpipe... sounds absolutely brilliant live!
2. ALAF... This is a fantastic song to sing with and what with everyone is such a good mood there was much linking of arms and belting out the chorus! HEAVEN!!! HEEEAVEN!!!
3. Nu Train... I have head this once before in Dublin, but that time it was at the very start and people had yet to really fill up the venue from the bar.. so this time is was glorious... during the main synth line karls shadow was above the top of the stage.. nearly on the roof.. and it was like he was some sort of god..50ft high on the roof ...amazing...

forget... Ehm ?. Scribble. Great to hear live, a bit like ALAF but with shit drums.. people were into the lyrics and singing more than anything else.. it was still shit as a tune though and the stop at the start and the finish is piss poor, totally breaks up the show and it takes the great old tunes to pick it up again.

Bird 1 - Just does not work live. That Synth Plop does nothing and if it was a snare itd make a huge difference.. but there is nothing to that song really.. the lyrics are even a bit shit tbh... after remixing it I realised its pretty boring.

Between Stars - Liked this once it got into it.. was a bit shit at the start..
Diamond Jigsaw was good i think.. the guitar sounded good (eventually)

Karl broke his hand camera during Rez (i think) and made a joke saying that it actually is written on the camera "Do not dance with this camera"...

During King Of Snake then he didnt have it to use so they filled the room with dry Ice and it was fairly mental - there was a real quick change in the middle of KOS... pretty cool... then they went for the 99-00 era middle section bringing in the piano.... pretty much the same as the rest of the tour.

Rez Cowgirl stole the show for me... loved it, best time i have seen it live... shiver at the climax... EVERYTHING EVERYTHING!

The video during Dirty Epic was not oblivion with bells era.. as someone has suggested here... they used the video by John Warwicker for Bird 1 with the growing plant....

Dirty Epic showed everyonce just how brilliant UW's music could be, and it didnt need to blow your head off... so intricate..

And Moaner... by this point i didnt think id have the energy but low and behold i found something... it got very smokey/dry icey and super intense... total Rave!

Personally i prefer knowing that they are working out the set as they go... that there is some sort of Improv... but to be honest its nice to know that if they have opted for this type of show they have done it well...

They have perfected what they have and from what I heard there was not one mistake throughout... it was pretty much superb - sound and all...

Somebody said there was a shorted TMO... thats not the case i dont think... pretty standard length!

All in all a great night and now i have Dublin on Saturday to look forward to... its going to be the last one in "A very long time" it seems so I hope they do something special for it!
Flows like a river of Bass Vibration
Old 11-22-2010, 02:22 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 12
Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
Originally Posted by potatobroth View Post
lol didnt articulate myself that well. I meant i been looking forward to seeing underworld for ages and didnt get past security saturday night and was very pissed off. Especially cos of all the rumours about underworld not touring again for some time
Old 11-22-2010, 03:50 PM
froopy seal
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Re: 2010-11-20 Brixton Academy, London
Originally Posted by mel View Post
lol didnt articulate myself that well. I meant i been looking forward to seeing underworld for ages and didnt get past security saturday night and was very pissed off. Especially cos of all the rumours about underworld not touring again for some time
I daresay I might not be the only person you made curious as to what might have been the cause for the rejection...
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