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Old 10-23-2012, 03:18 AM
issue 37
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: South Wales
Posts: 1,244
The American President
If the world could vote on 6 November, Barack Obama would win by a landslide. A global poll for the BBC World Service revealed that 20 out of 21 countries preferred the president to his challenger. But when you watched the presidential debate on foreign policy on Monday night you had to wonder why. Not because Mitt Romney was better, but because on matters of policy, Obama was almost as bad. It takes a friend to reveal the harsh truth to the global community, so here it is: "Obama's just not that into you."

No one could love Israel more, care less about the Palestinians, put more pressure on Iran or be a greater fan of drone attacks or invading Libya. Both candidates agreed that America's task was to spread freedom around the world: nobody mentioned Guantánamo Bay, Abu Ghraib or rendition. "Governor, you're saying the same things as us, but you'd say them louder," said Obama. It was a good line. The trouble was it condemned them both.

(From )
Old 11-04-2012, 06:41 AM
issue 37
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: South Wales
Posts: 1,244
Re: The American President
Shame no-one in the US has popped by to give thoughts on the election this time around. I'd genuinely be interested to know what you think of it so far, who you're voting for and why.

Following this from the beginning, I'm stunned that Obama and Romney now both find themselves neck-and-neck on 47% (a rather ironic figure).

Stunned but perhaps not surprised if you know what I mean.

Yes I know Obama hasn't closed Gitmo, Obama hasn't stopped extraordinary rendition, Obama hasn't got a handle on tightly regulating the financial sector or the whole 'standing up to vested interests' thing, Obama hasn't stopped the US ambassador to the UN vetoing any and every resolution that dares to criticise Israel, Obama hasn't stopped killing people in foreign lands, etc etc...

I know the whole slick, glossy Obama marketing machine must grate the more its deployed, I know the symbol of change didn't become the agent of change, I know the country is more divided than ever before.

But do you honestly think Romney will be better?
Old 11-04-2012, 11:40 AM
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 1,033
Re: The American President
Personally, no I don't think Romney would be better. The social issues are the main ones that differentiate the candidates and those things seem so obvious to me as to be disheartening that there's even a debate about them. Universal healthcare? The right of a significant portion of our population to marry? Stopping the (failed) drug war? Women's right to reproductive health? These all seem like no-brainers to me, and while Obama made some progress on those (nevermind the drug war and his complete 180 upon entering office) the fact that they continue to take up time in the public discourse and distract from the economy, the dollar's corruption of our government and our less than stellar foreign policy is rather discouraging.

You're quote really hits the nail on the head for myself and a lot of my peers. I don't want to support Romney, as I fear he'd be much worse, but Obama is a known disappointment. There's not a viable third candidate, and I don't want to pave Romney's road to the presidency with a vote for a Ross Perot or a Ralph Nader.
Old 11-05-2012, 12:39 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 3,571
Re: The American President
I know I'm sounding whiney, but you Deckard don't ever really talk about your social theater over there much anymore either.

Old 11-06-2012, 12:52 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 3,824
Re: The American President
I've had enough of this election and im glad its over today. Sick of hearing the utter bullshit that comes out of politicians mouths and the bigotry/hypocrisy of the republican party.
UW0764 || Professor: "Underworld have never failed to disappoint me" || Yannick changed my avatar picture.
Old 11-06-2012, 01:52 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Sunny Hawaii
Posts: 4,853
Re: The American President
You're sick of it? You're lucky you don't live here. I've watched an inordinate amount of Fox News over the past couple days, and it's frankly staggering how willfully self-deceptive that whole organization is and their viewing base that they bring along in their fantasies.
Old 11-07-2012, 01:48 AM
issue 37
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: South Wales
Posts: 1,244
Re: The American President
Obama: "The best is yet to come"

The best war technology?
The best speed falling off the fiscal cliff?

Oh, phew by the way. Hope his second term is to his first term what his second debate was to the first.
Old 11-08-2012, 02:44 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 3,571
Re: The American President
Giiiiiirrrrrlll(I don't know if anyone's noticed, but we're approaching the 90's again already) i know...

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