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Old 03-25-2012, 11:21 AM
needing Diet Mountain Dew
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1,915
Re: a 'successful' artist
Originally Posted by Andrea View Post
Excellent, these lines made me almost vomit like a travel-sick:

...or - how an "emerging artist" is essentially the same as a "new independent business venture" ...especially with concerns of identifying your target market (audience), managing expenses, generating value and so on...

But fear not, I´m an amateur, art is still a relaxing hobby for me

I totally understand why it would make someone feel sick - especially reading those two points.

But I think it's really all down to how you interpret the terminology. For example - "identifying your target market" => "Who am I making this work for?"

Am I doing it for myself? For 'the public', is it intended on going into a commercial gallery, an artist - run space, or is it a 'public work'

for example - Christo & Jeanne-Claude's work "the Gates" - how well would that "work" if it was in a gallery, as opposed to a gigantic installation in Central Park?

"Managing Expenses" => are the materials I am using appropriate for the piece I am constructing? draw example from my personal life - there's a classmate of mine creates these very... I don't want to sound dismissive... but... "simple" images (like, one piece was about the average size of a cookie, and in the center of it was a 'ghost' like in the Pac-Man video game) -> except the 'disc' that the ghost was on, was made out of ebony. The ghost was made out of some precious material... and if I'm not mistaken - she also used ivory (and multiple other pieces of her's used antique ivory)

...but the work wasn't about using these precious (and controversial) materials in a "silly" way or making any sort of commentary about the 'connotations' of using ivory - it was just "oh hey - I've got this stuff, and I'm going to use it" how successful was that piece? And how much did she think about her source materials? If it didn't matter that she was using ebony & ivory (amongst other expensive materials) - then why use them in the first place?

'generating value' - ok - this is one part that I personally find very "icky" - but it's like... I think we all can think of examples of famous artists that have pieces sold for ungodly amounts of money - yet, are actually kind of crap. One has to think, how did they position themselves in a manner to garner that kind of exposure?