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Old 02-14-2011, 05:21 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 36
Re: Dutch on verge of getting most right wing government in the EU, in dutch history
Originally Posted by Deckard View Post
No, it shows what an extremist UK Muslim wants to happen in the UK.

What you wrote is as misleading as quoting Pat Robertson and then saying "this clip shows what an American man wants to happen in the US." Yes technically it does - but it's disgustingly specious.

Hey look, here's an article that shows what a UK muslim thinks about what your extremist UK muslim wants to happen in the UK...

Please don't listen to Anjem Choudary

How many Muslims do you actually know?

I think what he says is in a whole sphere to allowing people to merely dress, dance, eat, sing, etc how they want. And if you've been reading my other posts in this thread, you'll know exactly what I think about what Choudary has to say.

Choudary is far from representative of UK Muslims. Choudary probably isn't even representative of Egyptian Muslims or Turkish Muslims or Indonesian Muslims or Jordanian Muslims or even (gasp) French Muslims or Dutch Muslims. So why quote him? I don't for a second deny the problem of Islamic extremism. But why are you always conflating Muslims with extremist Muslims? You really are terrible for getting sucked into the propaganda of hate and division - propaganda that (from both sides) relies for its effectiveness on people with a weakness for succumbing to tribal prejudices like this.

Anjem Choudary insists on a clash of civilizations.
The English Defence League insist on a clash of civilizations.

The rest of us - the majority of decent Muslims and non-Muslims who are living alongside each other quite happily with liberalism, secularism and democracy - just wish extremist Muslims like Choudary and extremist anti-Muslim groups like the EDL would go get an island together and have their gddamned clash of civilizations til their hearts' content, leaving the rest of us in peace. Seriously, we can get along just fine. I wish the simple-minded tribal-headed idiots on BOTH sides would just bugger off.
you act as if Anjem Choudary is some fringe muslim. He is not. He is mainstream enough to have media outlets interviewing him. He was even on CNN.

very funny to see Fareeds reaction to

"speaking to you is like speaking to a pure marxist" Nice one Fareeed.

Of course I cant tell you how many muslims follow his views, but there are enough to make it a probelm. How many did it take for 7/7? A dozen radicals caused all those deaths. SO it does not take many followers of his views to cause a problem.

I also cat tell you how many people are followers of EDL. I had never heard of the English Defense league until you mentioned them. But what I can say is that the EDL is just a reaction to the UK government allowing the English culture to get pushed aside. I believe the EDL, or something like it, will only grow the more that Governments allow more and more immigrants in to their countries.

Let me ask you a question:

In your opinion, what is the reason for allowing immigration into countries?

Does your country need more workers, or should the government just keep allowing people in because they are nice and its the nice thing to do?

Is there a point where native born people have the right to say "thats enough?"
Do you believe that is air you are breathing?