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Old 11-29-2005, 03:20 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 367
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The Hyperion Cantos
While I was away I managed to squeeze some reading inbetween cocktails, and finally knocked Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion over.

What a fucking amazing bit of work. I hadn't been that moved by a book (or 2, as it were) since I read Asimov's 'Foundation' trilogy. The scope and the humanity he creates is staggering.

Should I get the Endymion books also? Are they as great as the first two?

Spoilers maybe:

[COLOR=SandyBrown]I almost shouted out loud when I pieced it together : the labrynth, the cruciform and the Core. One of those rare moments when I get completely consumed by the book I'm reading.

I'm sad Kassad got owned. I hope he makes a return somehow. Ummon was awesome.[/COLOR]
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