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Old 10-18-2011, 06:07 PM
collateral damage
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: foothills of the front range
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Re: Compilation 2011
Ok, let's do this!

Hoping there's some energy behind this years' comp. We have fewer dedicated collaborators so far, but these things always ebb and flow. If you want to submit two tracks, that'd be fine. Or, still time to jump in. No limits to time/tracks in this digital age.

How about November 18th (that's a Friday) as the first deadline.

Lacking other suggestions, this year we'll call the compilation "Electric Eye On You".
Maybe that will inspire?

Send me a PM when your track is done, and we'll arrange links/downloads, etc.

Happy producing! Anyone else that wants in, you're very welcome.
Believe in Billy Records