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Old 12-13-2005, 01:19 AM
big screen satellite
Still Number 1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Mon Calimari
Posts: 3,214
Re: Turner prize- art? or just a shed?
Originally Posted by Stephen
Why is it not shit if the KLF do it? Bearing in mind that you, out of all the people here, have a tendency to be, shall we say, more subjective than most (i.e. you're a fanboy).
HA...well its not shit when the KLF did it because they actually showed it for what it was, crap, and showed how easy it is to make art and how easy it is for art to be judged, the KLF spent fortunes showing up the art 'business' as a sham

i'm not saying what they did was good art, i'm saying the best thing that happened was in 1993, when the KLF took on the establishment and basically won, no one in the 'business' liked what they did because it exposed how crap and easy art is to produce and to bestowe praise upon for, what is basically little effort...

art is a matter of judgement and acceptance, but to 'award' prizes for what basically was someone pouring concrete into a shell of a house and proclaiming it the best piece of 'art' that year was quite ridiculous and the KLF proved that by 'awarding' it the worst piece of art

just because you are an 'artist' does not mean that you can produce 'good' art

if i did the shed thing and took it to the Tate, it wouldn't be recognised because im not a known 'artist', so why should someone who 'studies' or spends their life doing 'art' offer such idiotic pieces of 'art' get such high praise...

there are plenty of artists out there creating, whether it be paintings, sculpture, architecture, music, etc. that deserve much more praise and acceptance than these waste of space exhibitionists, who basically seek to court controversy rather than art...

like i said and everyone says, its all subjective...

but i still think shed boat is a piece of shit
i will not be confused (with another FAN)