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Old 07-16-2020, 05:39 PM
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 98
Re: RicksDubbedOutDriftExperience and DRIFT Series 1 Complete
Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
One more thing, the correct name of the track is "Seven Music Drone" not "Seven Drone Music". It's been corrected on "Drift Series 1 Complete" on Bandcamp already. Not sure if the correction will make it to the other digital platforms or not.
on the mention of correcting track metadata, there are still some errors on the Bandcamp and primary streaming services.
for 'Drift Series 1 - Complete', 'Brilliant Yes That Would Be' is credited to the artist 'Underworld - Brilliant Yes That Would Be'
and 'Border Country' is titled as 'Border County'

additionally, for 'Drift Series 1' on other streaming platforms, the tracks 'Appleshine', 'Toluca Stars' and 'Tree And Two Chairs' still contain 'Film Edit' in the title. plus the Spotify canvas art for 'Give Me The Room' does not show up on mobile, but for every other album track, their respective canvases appear.

also on song titles, is it 'Appleshine (All of the Lights) or 'Appleshine (All the Lights)'? the box set and Bandcamp lyrics seem to suggest it's the latter, but its title on streaming services includes the 'of' which isn't in the lyrics...

those are just a few things i've noticed whilst listening digitally.