Thread: _positive_1_
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Old 09-24-2009, 08:01 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: east coast usa
Posts: 2,426
Re: _positive_1_

turns out my friend has a 2 year old son,
that she was scared to mention..

i found out through some other friends, and
confronted her about it...

well, she came clean, and admitted it... i told
her, it was ok (i had actually met him before,
when she told me it was a nephew).

yes, everyone has a past (even me), but i'm not
going to stop seeing her..and yes it hurts, being
lied to.... but i did the same thing to her, by keep
the relationship secret for quite some time, so i'm
not that innocent either..

and there's also a jealous ex in the picture!!!!

seriously, either this is a soap opera, or a new series
on the CW network....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can't wait to see what happens next !!!!!!!!!!!!

she's going to come over this friday,
and hang out... who knows what we're going to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stay tuned .............
same battime, same batchannel...

be seeing you