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Old 02-22-2007, 04:43 AM
kid cue
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: new york city
Posts: 582
Re: Writing reviews.
couple basic points, off the top:

- there's a bit too much passive voice near the beginning, which can feel a little dry and detached, potentially alienating for the casual viewer. maybe the tone could be a little more conversational? example:

Smooth Moves is played almost exclusively with a single Wii Remote, which is held in various ways to replicate the game’s ‘forms’.
Most of the time, Smooth Moves only requires a single Wii Remote, which the player must hold in a number of diferent ways to ...

It’s with these forms that much of the challenge is derived; learning and switching between them as the player tries to keep up with the increasing speed of the gameplay. Each form is introduced effectively, and the player is given ample time to perfect them.
The player learns and switches between the various forms, while trying to keep up with the increasingly fast gameplay. This is where Smooth Moves derives much of its challenge. The game introduces each form effectively (what does this mean?), and gives the player ample time to perfect them (a little vague).

- in general, some of the game critiques could be a little more descriptive:

The different character stories are presented well, with bright, colourful hi-res sprites that are nicely animated. The overall visual style of the game is cohesive and true to the series, but in some instances it comes off looking a little cheap.

The audio work in the game is of a similar standard. The music plays an important role in the game; speeding up with the gameplay as you progress, building tension and a sense of urgency.
"presented well", "nicely", "a little cheap", "important role", "of a similar standard" are somewhat generic & vague phrases that could be used in every review (i realize you're voicing over gameplay footage, but still) ... also, "building tension and a sense of urgency" is a little redundant.

just some suggestions, please please feel free to disregard. don't mean to seem hypercritical -- overall, it reads well and has a clear logic. the only thing is that it seems a litlte conservative, in that i don't get much of a sense of your personality. i don't mean CRAZY TOM LOL1 but just a somewhat looser, freer approach. i know that's really vague but it's early -_-

Last edited by kid cue; 02-22-2007 at 04:48 AM.