Thread: what inspires?
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Old 07-17-2006, 08:06 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 202
Re: what inspires?
Whenever I'm messing with music or doodling it bascially feels like running through mud. I might have an idea of where I might like to end up, but it's not easy to find out where I'm going, how to get there, or make progress. Sometimes it helps if I just sit down and really meditate on the subject, othertimes, I just have to give up and come back to it tomorrow.

There was an interesting article in the last Wired about how some people peak creatively in thier early years (The Picassos) who make significant work but after a certain year nothing ever really matches that one masterstroke. Other people, the Frank Lloyd Wrights, slowly evolve and work until they reach thier genius at a much later age.

Just something to think about. Keep at it is the only thing I can say.
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