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Old 06-30-2009, 09:55 PM
sola sistim
a firestorm to purifyyyyy
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Re: Michael Jackson is DEAD!
Originally Posted by 34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j View Post
Post whatever you want. It's a public forum. But don't call me a hypocrite because I choose to think of MJ as a musician first, and whatever else second. Music comes first for me. The fact that he settled a claim against him for child molestation (IIRC it was his insurance company who decided to settle in the end and it was done against his wishes anyway, but whatever) does not affect my life. If the allogations are true, it's upsetting. But MJ was too significant to be defined solely by something like that. There's a thousand child molesters out there, but only one guy with the best selling album ever - if you think the bad moments are more significant, fine. But it seems really self-serving to come into a thread about his death just to tell people that. Sadly, this is the era of the internet - even when it comes to death, people look at it as a chance to be condescending and attempt to make people feel bad because they're upset about it.
just because he had the best selling record doesnt make him any better than anyone else..