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Old 03-02-2016, 02:17 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 291
Re: BB Reviews
I Exhale: Still really enjoy it. Good opener for the album.
If Rah: Perplexes me, I neither really get into it, nor dislike it. Which probably means that eventually there'll be some mood or context in which I listen to it and it'll suddenly click and I'll listen to it obsessively. But not right now.
Low Burn: Enjoy it a lot. Gives me the same sort of happy vibes as Jumbo, but lyrically it doesn't do much for me, certainly no "tiny wires in her ears, sliding through the city" that's for sure.
Santiago Cuatro: It's fine, but feels a bit like a bridge from A to B. Doesn't really feel like it possesses anything that would make me want to seek it out as an individual listen.
Motorhome: Enjoying it. Totally get the Chemical Brothers vibe mentioned in the other thread.
Ova Nova: Probably my #2 favourite on the album after I Exhale. Can see this getting a lot of repeats.
Nylon Strung: Female vocals were a surprise (not unwelcome, either). I'd like to see what they do with this in a live setting. Pretty okay as it currently stands.

The album feels like it's over far too soon. I'll be interested to see what effect the additional track has on that overall feeling.