Thread: Arizona - WTF?
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Old 06-11-2010, 02:07 AM
Troy McClure
I'm the Spoonman
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 615
Re: Arizona - WTF?
I am 33 live in Phoenix, and was born and raised here. The climate of hate being perpetrated here is disgusting and sad. The lies that Governor Jan Brewer spouts aren't even quality lies. They are easily disproved within the hour.

Short takeaway...there are a few people in Arizona who shape the hate to benefit their careers here:

Governor Jan Brewer
State Senator Russell Pearce
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu
former sportscaster, US Congressman, and radio talk show host, JD Hayworth

I plan to write something more in depth about each person.

Jan Brewer is on video stating that SB1070 'has nothing to do with border security' and today she said in a speech that the police understand 'how immigration is hurting us'. Articles are stating that she later said that she meant to say illegal immigration. But I've yet to see that verified.
