Thread: United 93
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Old 04-25-2006, 12:33 PM
a small-minded madman
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: minneapolis
Posts: 248
Re: United 93
I hope this movie bombs.

They are probably going to hype up all the people on board to make them out like super-american heros etc. It wouldn't surprise it the government had something to do with putting this out, just to remind the masses why we are fighting the 'war on terror'.

And the family member being involved is wack. I am sure he/she got a nice chunk of change for his/her part in it.

On another thing... They are changing the name from "Snakes on a Plane" to something else?! I remember last year in Wired, Samuel Jackson said that he was mad when they said that because the cheesey title was one of the main reasons he signed on!