Thread: United 93
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Old 04-25-2006, 12:25 PM
Future Proof
Richard Simmons
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Section 8
Posts: 347
Re: United 93
Originally Posted by adam
I see nothing wrong with this. He got unanimous approval from the families involved. I understand your fear of it being exploitive, but, none of us having seen it, I don't think it's fair to make that accusation/assumption. There is nothing wrong with the subject matter itself. Everything depends on how it's handled, and we don't know that. From the interview with the director that I read, I would give him the benefit of the doubt.
I guess its a personal thing, really. Me personally, I still have very strong and deep emotions about that day, what happened and how it flipped the world upside-down for me. There's a huge difference between making a documentary, and making a drama, especially when we have virtually no knowledge of what was said or took place on that flight. And since you can't objectively report on the chronological events in their entirety, you're forced to fill in, which leads to the movie ceasing to be a documentary and a reporting of facts, and you turn it into a drama, a popcorn-fest... not cool.