Thread: Spotify.....
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Old 07-18-2011, 03:04 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: east coast usa
Posts: 2,426
Re: Spotify.....
ok, i finally got in..
not too bad for the casual
listener, and a few extras
that are neat to have...

i'm just testing it on a windows
computer currently (don't have
a smartphone)..
albums available are:
second toughest in the infants
beaucoup fish
a hundred days off
oblivion with bells

crocodile (5 versions)
scribble (3 versions)
always loved a film (9 versions)
bird 1 (10 versions)

mark knight and karl hyde - downpipe (3 versions)

spooky - schmoo (2 mixes)
bruce lee (micronauts remix)
songs of tibet
lots of edits from mix cd's

so far, it's a pretty decent selection,
and all for free with a few ads (audio
and banners)..

worth checking out..

someone will have to report on how the
streaming via phone works out.. at home
i have a fast internet connection, everything
sounds great, and is completely smooth..

the client, is decent enough..

there are a few mistakes... not putting the singles
in the right section (they are not albums), and one
weird collaboration with sky, that is totally wrong..

not sure how to go about alerting or correcting errors..

also, the search function, is basically if you know what
you are looking for.. because everything is playlist based..

unless you like sharing your playlists, and know other users
id's, you're on your own..

my id : negative1

i'm only testing out a few playlists so far,
and will see how that goes..
