Thread: making a resume
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Old 02-08-2006, 09:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 255
Re: making a resume
including the porfolio is a good idea - but during my experiences hiring in design related industry (architecture) it was always the hard copy image, not the cd that caught my eye. my 2 cents, include one or two image pages of your strongest work with the cover letter ( at that point you can either include the cd or wait to show it to them in person).

it was, 90% of the time, the hard copy image that caught my attention and made me consider the person took a really deep resume to make me load someone's cd. you have to consider the time constraint of the person doing the looking.

hope that helps - good luck, sounds interesting and don't let the "no experience" stand in your way. some of the best people I ever hired had
little or no experience.