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Old 06-26-2009, 02:32 AM
issue 37
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: South Wales
Posts: 1,244
Re: Michael Jackson is DEAD!
I guess Jacko was one of those larger-than-life characters I always suspected might die before his time, but still it's come as a shock.

More fragile than perhaps many of us today judging him realise. Who knows if he was guilty. I can understand the longing for deeply damaging yet untrue allegations to end, and financial settlements don't always mean guilt.

As for the rest of the weirdness and eccentricity - so what. Far rather that, than all those identikit popstars we have today.

Over the coming days, amongst all the bad taste playground jokes and mean-spiritedness, there will be an outpouring of grief, no doubt tipping over into mawkishness, but at least Jacko had talent and his output was a positive backdrop to many of our lives. Try saying the same about Jade Goody or Princess Di.

I really do feel genuine sadness at the whole tragic way his life ended. Perhaps his tours would have been humiliating and it's best they never happened, but still, part of me wishes he could have ended his days by sticking two fingers up to all the haters and sneerers out there.