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Old 01-24-2013, 06:45 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 421
Re: How do you go about listening?
The best times ever listening to Underworld was when I was in gradeschool. I was about 12 to 16 and I had to ride the bus to school. Every morning I would have a couple underworld CDs with me - or CDs I had made from Napster (if it wasn't for Napster back then I would most certainly not be the person I am today, this was in the 56kbps days), my discman, and my earphones. Every morning the ride from my home around to all the other kids homes to the school was narrated by Underworld. Someday's it would be a dance party in my head all the way to school, other days I would ponder out the window taking in the landscape and Underworld's depth of sound.

I haven't really listened to Underworld that well since.