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Old 06-25-2008, 09:05 AM
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Re: California overturns ban on same-sex marriage
Originally Posted by Skie View Post
It's obvious marriage means less in society today than it did 10 years ago, let alone 20 or 30 years ago.
Well you're still asserting this without offering anything to refute the reasons I gave why marriage is still an important institution in modern society. All you've said is that you think my point has been "run into the ground", and then said that some people get divorced. Simply because some people are flippant about marriage doesn't diminish the importance of it as an institution. People are flippant with all kinds of things that are still important. I'll re-post my opening points, and maybe you can address them:

As far as I'm concerned, there was a time and place for advocating only male-female marriages, but it's looooong gone. I tend to look at these things from an evolutionary point of view, and while in the distant past it was a necessity for human survival that we procreate, we really don't face any threat of extinction from dwindling numbers at this point in human history. So marriage between a man and woman that's centered around the idea of populating the planet with our species has rightly evolved to be much more of a social foundation in which procreation is no longer necessary for survival. In fact, there are probably too many people on the planet as it is, so if anything, we could do with a little less baby-makin'. In my opinion, this is one of those issues where the church will end up clinging to the mindset of the past loooooong after the practicality of that mindset has gone bye-bye - like when they executed people who said things like the earth wasn't actually at the center of the universe.

In this current reality, I think that what's important to marriage's survival is more that it be between people who love each other, and who are willing to take on the commitment that pledging your companionship to someone for a lifetime requires. It's an institution that helps us mature as a society by teaching us the importance of being responsible for someone and something other than ourselves, being faithful to them by honoring our publicly stated commitments, and being there to support each other through difficult times. These values are absolutely essential to our positive survival as a society, but are not unique to a heterosexual relationship the way that creating a baby is.
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Last edited by Sean; 06-25-2008 at 09:13 AM.