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Old 06-16-2008, 03:11 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 1,160
Re: currently reading?
Originally Posted by Strangelet View Post
to a clear fan, can I ask what is the deal with this guy? Why would I want to read his books, and what should I start with?
The deal with the guy is that he can write pretty engaging, entertaining, and intriguing novels and short stories from time to time. He's not perfect, but is pretty darn enjoyable when he's on. You may want to read his book to experience a strange blend of science fiction, pop culture iconography, music, cooking, and history all balled up into one and written by a Japanese writer.

I would recommend starting with the novel Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. If you like that, try a short story collection like The Elephant Vanishes.

Murakami recommendations seem to vary from person to person though and a good discussion can be found over in the following thread.


Reading the collection of essays by his translators has made the need to revisit some of his novels and short stories again in the near future a priority.