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Old 04-27-2008, 05:32 PM
the mongoose
talks to God
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: nomadic
Posts: 1,326
Hey smart computer folk....
Just got a computer with a Core 2 Quad running 32-bit Vista Home Premium.

Problem is, I've heard that computers with multiple cores like mine can only use those extra cores with Vista that true?!?

Also, Windows doesn't allow upgrades from 32-bit to 64-bit...and I've heard horror stories about driver issues and system crashes with 64-bit Vista. So, is 32-bit Ultimate going to be enough for most practical video and game useage, or should I be considering a change to 64-bit? So confused.....but I THINK that I may just need to go from 32-bit Home Premium to 32-bit Ultimate....right?????????
Romans 6:4

Last edited by the mongoose; 04-28-2008 at 11:21 AM.