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Old 04-13-2008, 11:54 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,569
Re: Tideland - a Terry Gilliam film
haha so i got this for my birthday

the worst thing about this movie is the pacing.
basically it's everything i was hoping to see out of it?
kids are fkkn weird and hilarious. it's difficult to make anything "happen" in this movie because she's in a very boring situation (a dead dad, an imbalanced recluse, and a retard.. all without a full grasp of the implications of any of it), and it's just really about how kids could cope with this mundane dysfunction, and a sort of alternate reality develops where near the end the whole thing feels like a storyline fabrication.

it was really interesting and not nearly the depraved headfuck a lot of people make it out to be.

i *knew* i'd like it.