Thread: Talk Talk
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Old 04-08-2008, 10:17 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: east coast usa
Posts: 2,426
no, literally,
i could spend several hours just talking about this group.
i REALLY like them...that said..
it's taken me until this year to get:
spirit of eden
laughing stock
mark hollis - solo
missing pieces
(i dont have orang yet)..

and sorry to say, i don't care for any of them at all..

i got started on them, in the early 80's, yes i heard
'talk talk' and 'its my life', so i am totally biased towards
their early synth pop stuff....i actually LIKE the remix
album too..and have pretty much every single they've
ever put out......colour of spring is pretty much my
favorite album...(and they even have a track named
after my birthday 'april 5' do you like that?)...

i'm about to get the SACD 5.1 version of color of spring..
anyways... after mark hollis decided they should go into
a totally different musical direction, they lost me..

i know, it's still early, and i've barely listened to all the
latter albums.....but it just doesn't do ANYTHING for me,
and maybe it's my fault, i just don't have the time and
patience anymore to listen to piano tracks that go on
forever,hushed vocals, and maybe 1 minute of lyrics..

i'm not saying i only listen to or like their pop stuff,
i like 'living in another world' is a masterpiece, and have
made a 30+min version combining all the remixes together..

sorry mark hollis, your days of music were over a long time
ago, and i respect you make the music for yourself, but
don't expect people to care for it..
