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Old 11-05-2007, 10:52 AM
the mongoose
talks to God
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: nomadic
Posts: 1,326
Re: "Boy, Boy, Boy" video
Thanks Mondokat....but it's sort of like thanking you for a turd.

Yuck....terrible vid for a great song. Better than the "Good Morning Cockerel" one I suppose.

What happened to the awesome tomato computer graphic stuff.....was V2 footing the bill or something b/c since the EE dvd I've seen nothing AT ALL that compares. Hula Hooping fat fucks, wet Karl dancing in a puddle, and boys running in slo-mo is terrible stuff.....needless to say if that is what Footwear Repairs 2 was comprised of I'd never go out of my way to buy it.......the Jumbo vid was the last great one I suppose.
Romans 6:4