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Old 10-22-2007, 02:48 PM
the mongoose
talks to God
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Heal and Restore Rick!
"Ongoing Pnemonia"....

Looked up Pnemonia treatment and got this:

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the pneumonia. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial pneumonia but are ineffective against viral pneumonia.
Treatment of pneumonia consists of respiratory support, including O2 if indicated, and antibiotics, which are selected on the basis of Gram stain results. If Gram stain is not performed or does not establish a diagnosis, antibiotics are selected on the basis of probabilities according to patient age, epidemiology, host risk factors, and severity of illness.
Antibiotics are the main causal therapy for pneumonia. The antibiotics that are used depend on the nature of the pneumonia and the immune status of the patient. Amoxicillin is used as first-line therapy in the vast majority of community patients, sometimes with added clarithromycin. In North America, where the atypical forms of community aquired pneumonia are becoming more common, clarithromycin, azithromycin, and the fluoroquinolones have displaced the penicillin-derived drugs as first line therapy. In hospitalised patients and immune deficient patients, local guidelines generally determine which combination of (generally intravenous) antibiotics is used. When in the hospital, respiratory treatments to remove secretions may be necessary. Occasionally, steroid medications may be used to reduce wheezing if there is an underlying lung disease.
Most patients with mild pneumonia can be treated at home with oral antibiotics. Patients should be sure to drink plenty of liquids. Coughing should not be suppressed, since this is an important reflex for clearing the lungs. Some physicians advise taking expectorants, such as guaifenesin (Breonesin, Glycotuss, Glytuss, Hytuss, Naldecon Senior EX, Robitussin), to loosen sputum. For severe pain, codeine or other stronger pain relievers may be prescribed. It should be noted, however, that codeine and other narcotics suppress coughing, so they should be used with care in pneumonia and often require monitoring.
Treating Infective Pneumonia
Although the treatment for infective pneumonia depends on the cause of the condition, some simple steps can help speed recovery from pneumonia:
  • Medications should be taken exactly as prescribed by a physician. If it is not helping, call the doctor. Do not quit taking it unless told to do so by a doctor.
  • Take over-the-counter medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help control pain and fever.
  • Use a cool-mist humidifier or vaporizer to increase air moisture and to make it easier to breathe. DO NOT use hot steam.
  • Rest in bed until body core temperature returns to normal (98.6 degrees F or 37 degrees C) and chest pains and breathing problems are gone. Drink six to eight glasses of liquids daily to help keep mucous thin and easy to cough up.
Treatments For Aspiration Pneumonia
Treatments for aspiration pneumonia focus on breathing support. A breathing tube called an endotracheal tube is usually inserted into the trachea and oxygen is pumped into the lungs.
Suction may be used to clear the airways and to get any remaining chemical or vomit out of the way. Antibiotics are given only if a secondary lung infection develops.
Recovery From Pneumonia
How well a person recovers from pneumonia depends on the type of pneumonia and the person's general health. Most people with pneumonia recover completely. However, in infants under one year of age, the elderly, and those who are already seriously ill, pneumonia can sometimes be fatal.

Hope you heal up soon Rick!
Romans 6:4