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Old 08-03-2005, 10:13 AM
On the corner
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Jokertown
Posts: 17
Re: Cups (full version) live and other chill tracks
Originally Posted by holden
i recall a few gigs where Underworld played the whole "Cups" track, starting with the chilled-out vocal section.

Seems like an odd track to do live, as it's a long build (8 or 9 minutes).
Why is it odd to dance at a slower rhythm? To me there is no build in that song at all, just a change of texture.

I really hope that in future shows they have the guts to play more slower songs like Sola Sistim and Cups(full version) and Sappy's Curry for example than easy floorfilling stompers such as Born Slippy and Moaner. It's not the rhythm or beat alone that makes the music of Underworld so good.

I understand what you mean though it may seem odd because maybe then lots of people wouldn't be dancing as much, but I think Underworld transcend that word: ''dance''
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