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Old 08-02-2005, 12:15 PM
Henreeeeeeeeeecat! :)
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Re: Global Gathering Review
Agreed also that I won't be returning to Global Gathering for a third time unless the lineup warrants it. Thoroughly enjoyed the performance, despite the early finish and poorish sound - The Happy Mondays were the highlight of the festival for me, my first time seeing them.
I was glad to meet Matt, who was totally charming, and enjoyed the opportunity to make peace properly with Rog and make an apology for all that's gone before.
2 Many DJs were wicked and amazingly I only heard Mylo from the campsite as the queue to get in was atrocious. A no-show from DJ Yoda was disappointing but during that time I got sold on Cash Money who blew the roof off Afrodizzyscratch. Big surprise of the weekend was Plump DJs, who I went to see after exiting Dave Clarke when the lightshow got a little too intense for where my head was at and hearing this really funky "swing" type stuff coming from the Air arena. Excellent set from Plump DJs and the beginning of a serious checking out to be conducted by me.