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Old 03-05-2007, 09:42 PM
needing Diet Mountain Dew
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1,916
so... I've got someone that wants some of my pieces
but this is all sort of odd...

so, someone sent me a message on facebook (copied below)

"how have you been?? I really like your artwork... any chance I could get a piece for myself?? My roommate moved out so I got a giant wall of nothing at the moment. Hopefully one of your pieces will be up there at some point!!!"

but - I can't really tell if she wants to buy any of the pieces that I've got displayed in one of my 'photo albums' or just have one of them... so how would you recommend that I navigate through this? I mean - I'd rather not have to pay to ship my piece or whatever...

and it's like... this isn't someone that I'm familiar enough with where I'd just give them something as a gift