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Old 02-21-2007, 11:09 AM
magic city writer
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: not where I want to be
Posts: 807
Re: Writing reviews.
I'm assuming this is for a TV spot myself, so I'd imagine it look like a normal TV script. First off, I'd give them a call and make sure you know what they want.

For the script, you center your name, space, write stuff you're going to say, and then I think you write something like "Cut to scene of video game at particular point in game" and write your next bit you're going to say as "Tom (voiceover)". Cut back to you or to another scene, and so on until you're done.

Honestly, I haven't written any TV scripts before, so the actual formatting and terminology probably needs some double checking (and googling), but that's what I would do. Hope that helps.
Read my webcomic, Magic City.