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Old 06-29-2005, 05:58 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,569
Re: UW fan site: artwork: Bright Lights Shine
thank you guys very much, i have 8 pages on there because i was a little less.... filtered. i put out everything. so naturally i have major issues with earlier stuff, but i dont mind as long as freezedried doesn't.
but there are a considerable amount of artists here with very worthwhile work.

king of snake comes to mind, but that's because this is his life right now, he's got a bachelors in it (lucky punk). he did a vid for 'like a swimmer' which is superb.
benji did some ace shit a couple years back.
so did Ebullient Heterodox. excellent photos from her.
and innerspaceboy tried for the 'less is more' route with some impressive results.
unfortunately, the last contributions we've received from them have been a little less than a year ago, so while we wait for them, if any of you newer/unaware folk have put pen to paper, paint to canvas, or mouse to screen, it'd be great to see it!