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Old 07-20-2006, 07:17 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,522
Re: Another nice piece by Banksy
Aha! Now, you see, that's where you are wrong!

Graffiti is anything from the simple tags or signature squiggles you see scrawled about the place, to the larger "throw ups" or "bubbles", which are the rounded or squared letters, usually filled in different colours or shades, to the final masterpiece or "'piece", as is demonstrated here?

How do I know all this hip info? Cos I sadly had to prosecute a prolific graffiti artist a while ago. God, I hate my job sometimes.

Still, I don't suppose I would have been too pleased with his squiggles on the side of my house, either.
"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution" - Emma Goldman