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Old 05-20-2006, 06:59 PM
teh n00b
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Paris, France
Posts: 524
Re: Lemonworld 2006-05-13 how to split it
Originally Posted by stimpee
1. get the cue-splitter v2.2.2
2. get HexEditor 2.0 from or
3. load in the cue-splitter to HexEditor.
4. find Resources/MacOS and go to offset 00009E10
5. look for 10.3, change to 10.4.
6. save and run
Ok. my G4 uses 10.4.6, got cue-splitter, v2.6 & v2.5.2 crashed (i like to try ), got cue-splitter 2.2.2, got HexEditor, never found this offset 00009E10 BUT i changed every "10.3" to "10.4" (3 times) AND it worked like magic...

Thank you so much Stimpee... (and how can you know things like that?!)

ps : if I could do that, even a donkey or a wheelbarrow can do it... <--- m.g. happy!