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Old 10-25-2023, 01:16 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,569
Re: Thing in a Book appreciation thread
Originally Posted by joethelion View Post
Ok, I know it sounds crazy, but to give a specific example from the other night -

It was 3:30 AM, we had changed the baby's diaper, fed her, and burped her. My wife was holding the baby, rocking her as she was singing over the "Rockabye Baby" version of 'Octopus's Garden'

Our baby just wouldn't stop fussing, it was now getting closer to 4 AM.

I promptly switched over to "Thing in a Book" - and she cooed / sighed, and immediately relaxed. She was asleep within MOMENTS.

So while not the most scientific of methods - it seems to work!

It's become the go-to method to soothe her. I literally played it back-to-back three times this morning.
that's wild. yeah, thanks for sharing! Thing in a Book is one of those that keeps coming up whenever I'm having a pretty calm one, so it's no surprise, but still neat that a three month old would respond like that.

Last edited by dubman; 10-25-2023 at 01:18 PM.