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Old 10-10-2023, 07:18 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 2,163
Re: Denver Luna live 2023 / Next Song Drop ?
I think my issue was that after hearing this live I was SO excited to hear a produced track - and then was surprised to find its the exact opposite of what I was hoping for. Is it good? yup! Will I listen to this outside the context of an album? Nope!

but they have plenty of tracks like this. I listen to Underworld daily - for decades - but I've never once put on Skym to just hear that one track. I love it in the context of the album, but not as a standalone track. There are some I downright skip everytime; I'm looking at you Ess Gee and Boy Boy Boy.

So whatever. I'm glad they do what they do... just bummed it wasnt the one I was hoping for this particular time.