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Old 05-18-2023, 04:45 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 421
Re: The RiverRun Project - 10 years later
Hello All,

I recently have been going through a tough time and rediscovered music in a most visceral way.

I'm 35 now and working my corporate job. When I found this thread I made so long ago, I cried very very hard. In ways cathartically I hadn't since my oldest brother died in 2016.

I had forgotten about this thread, about who I was then, almost as if a journal entry beyond the time. Reading it again, validated myself and pursuits in ways I never anticipated.

I was looking for visceral music again. Genuine music. Music that gives one a journey and release - catharsis.

I went to first because I haven't been here since... I went back to school in 2016. I've earned my Bachelor's, Master's, work in Finance, Jesus!, I'm leaving it though.

I'm going teach part-time at my alma mater Microsoft Excel to Freshmen. Hopefully building a resum? towards a PhD.

The corporate world is brutal, soulless - without character. I'm always cited as the one with the most contemporary musical knowledge (We have a colleague who has a Master's in Music Education, so she is way more versed in Classical music than I am).

The Riverrrun Project. Yet again I return to you.


Please release this series on vinyl, vinyl has become lucrative and popular again.

A series such as this on vinyl would be priceless.

I appreciate everyone's time.

Thank you,
