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Old 01-31-2021, 11:30 AM
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 403
Re: Post your mixes, music, etc here...
Yesterday, I shared my nearly 20 year old unreleased and unfinished lost rave album written back in 2002-2005. I had a little following amongst Prodigy fans thanks to having my music on some fan compilation albums created by fan forum communities. I even got radio play in Italy on Radio 101 thanks to my appearance on the Brainkiller Presents Music From The Jilted Generation compilation series in 2003. I dug up the old raw demos and shared them on YouTube. I sadly lost all the project files and sounds in a hard drive crash. Three years of work went poof. Some of my old tracks have popped up on various YouTube channels. So figured it's time to say "What the hell" and share it with the world. At the time, I was a fresh faced, naive teenager, who was still a noob at music production and trying to find my sound. Just some fun rave music and heavy breaks inspired by the 90s warehouse rave scene.

Folks were asking for a download release, so I'll be sharing the album on my Bandcamp this Friday, February 5th

On Friday, Bandcamp will be waiving their revenue share, meaning artists keep 100% of any sales made that day. This happens only on the first Friday of the month and is meant to help support artists during the pandemic. So if you would like to show your support and buy the album, this upcoming Friday would be the best day to know all your money is actually going to the artist. Oh, and the album will come with loads of bonus material too.

Be sure to check it out here: