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Old 09-13-2019, 07:42 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 503
Re: DRIFT Series 1 - New album, Nov 1, 2019
Originally Posted by negative1 View Post
that's still a type of album.

if the 7 disc set is the full 'album', that's a little more unwieldy.

Generally, samplers tend to contain three or four tracks from the full album (or sometimes just edited snippets of tracks)*, so the industry use of the term is very much not an album - which is why it intrigued me that they've changed the wording. It seems like a very specific change, i.e. before they were saying "there's going to be an album at the end of it, plus a boxset of the whole series", whereas now they seem to be shying away from the idea of it being an album at all. In a recent interview Karl said they regretted the album announcement as it made it look like "ah, so this is what they were leading up to then". Instead, calling it "series 1" and "series 1 sampler" seems to put the emphasis on it just being an ongoing project that's very much outside of the standard album release format.

I'm sure more casual listeners and purchasers won't think too much about it, but calling it a sampler certainly doesn't encourage people to consider it a standalone work. I'll be very curious to see how it performs commercially.

*Beaucoup Fish's is a good example, while AHDO's is actually quite baffling.