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Old 07-11-2019, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 503
Re: 230605 - 18 minute unedited Silver Boots/Yard Beat/Push Upstairs jam
Yeah, the Riverrun era (including OWB, as the band put it) was a real peak for me.

If my memory serves me well, there was a version of the track that had the main sound of Silver Boots but the vocals of Always Loved a Film on the site a year or so before Barking came out. Unless I'm imagining it, but I do recall really liking it, and being so disappointed with the final version. The pummelling kick and strangely muffled sound is so strange and so utterly Underworld.

Drift really does feel like another creative peak for me, it's hard to believe just how much good material is coming out this project, and even most of the lesser tracks are at least interesting. I listened to Barbara the other day, and although I enjoyed it, a lot of it feels really safe in comparison to what we're getting at the minute. It's such an exciting time to be a fan.