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Old 06-06-2019, 03:17 PM
collateral damage
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Re: Drift Ep. 4, Part 3 - Hundred Weight Hammer
This had a mid-90's Soul Coughing vibe for me. Slacker jazz, they called it. I used to like some of Soul Coughing's funky bass and hip hop beats and samples and beat poetry (e.g. Circles, Screenwriters Blues, Blame, etc.).

Anyway, kind of weird to hear a rougher, looser live feel from our electronically programmed Favorite band.

If this didn't have the sloppy bass but a synth synchopated bassline.... If a more danceable beat...and especially if it excluded the high pitched backing vocals.... Well, itd be a different song that I'd like better!

I have a hard time believing this will make it to the album. But then, who knows? Ring Road, Boy Boy Boy and Trim all made it to record, and I don't like any of them much. It's plenty different and we can't love all tracks, I suppose.
Believe in Billy Records

Last edited by holden; 06-06-2019 at 03:19 PM.