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Old 04-26-2019, 02:11 PM
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 403
Re: New Chemical Brothers album announced
Originally Posted by 34958hq439-qjw9v5jq298v5j View Post
tbh I've liked pretty much everything the CBs ever did, even the weaker material where they don't have many ideas and their heads didn't really seem to be in it (most of Born in the Echoes comes off that way to me). but this legitimately sounds great to me, after a few listens I was already convinced it was up there with their best. It's a lot of fun, and I think it does it without compromising their sound as they've done in the past. I actually like the shorter runtime...if anything it forced them to make the tunes denser and more focused. Also the way they use vocals on the album (including a bunch of samples, which they rarely did before) is really cool.
My Japan edition CD arrived yesterday! I agree, this album is up their with their best. Yes, Born In The Echoes felt/sounded very uninspired and meandering to me. I don't mind the shorter tracks if the tracks are amazing.