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Old 12-20-2018, 06:27 PM
collateral damage
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Re: 1998 Rehearsal Romford release!
I haven't listened to Beaucoup Fish-era live gigs for awhile. It's still my favorite studio album. Glad to hear a new rehearsal gig with tracks and improv snippets that bring back great memories.

Because I'm a fan of this period ( got into Underworld in late 90's), I'm certainly biased for the remixes of that album. But I feel like remixes used to stretch tracks into new realms by building on their elements, rather than being a simple sample on top if a producer's crap track ( imho, the recent state). I wonder, had I discovered the band in 2016, would I love the recent remixes and dislike the older style? Still, I find most of the BF remixes to be well-crafted. Having so many versions on the box set might be a little much...a live improv gig like this would have been cool.

Still, thanks, UW, for the gift of this recording! I'll rip it like it's 1998 again
Believe in Billy Records

Last edited by holden; 12-20-2018 at 06:31 PM.