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Old 08-19-2018, 01:43 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 35
Re: Dirty Radio playing an Underworld live set right now - what is it?
Originally Posted by jetpig View Post
The heart of the OG setup was a pair of Midas mixing consoles, a 48 channel and a 36 channel.

I would be VERY VERY surprised if the SSL was incapable of doing the same things and much more than the old Midas consoles. Its more likely that the current style is a choice rather than a gear restriction.

For that matter the old style was also just mutes and defeats, but just executed in a more loose style. It's also my understanding that rick used to keep a lot more pieces available to himself on stage than he does now, allowing more variety between shows, but I'm sure requiring more homework and prep to make sure the pieces fit.

The fact that the live shows are pretty much a mimic of the recorded version of the tracks these days is a real shame. Everything I loved about UW's old shows is gone, the random changes in setlists, the extended/alternate versions of tracks, the muting of channels on the fly, the filtering and general other sonic manipulations of the tracks. All gone.