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Old 06-14-2016, 03:25 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 767
Re: Underworld... live?
Originally Posted by jetpig View Post
I wonder if they've just grown away from using the live setting as a testing and experimentation ground. They obvioiusly jam out in studio and improv there still, but it'd be nice to see a curveball more often than at the setlist on the first show of a tour.
This is it. I also wish that they would fluid nature of the live shows, but I have come to accept that this will not happen. Underworld recognise that people who come to see them don't pay good money to see a band fuck around on stage anymore. They come to see a solid performance with all the hits.

R&K have already done the nostalgia in 2007/2008. With the help of Darren Price they played some memorable gigs, with a revival of some of the back catalogue, along with new bridges and improv sections. But the energy that they had playing live in the 90s was driven by creative urges to produce music and try new things (e.g. Tomato live art jam on stage, systematically recording the shows to use in the writing process). This energy did not translate into those 07/08 shows.

The new way works for them, and I am glad to say I have enjoyed seeing them in 2014, 2015 and 2016 - they sound better than ever and I am satisfied.
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