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Old 06-16-2011, 07:10 PM
collateral damage
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Re: Ranking of uw albums
A couple years back, we had a thread like this and I tried to be semi-statisticval by ranking each song on a 1-10 scale and then tallying for the albums. I was surprised to find that STITI was mathematically's a great album, but not one that i necessarily listen to the most.

AS always with music, so much is tied to our memories and emotions. Each of the Underworld albums (at least mkII and on) has such strong ties to places, people, times of my life, that my listening enjoyment is tied to alll these intangible things. That said, i still get a kick out of making new memories with UW as the soundtrack and hearing new/overlooked sounds therein.

If i were to rank them (studio LPS only) today, it's be:

Beaucoup Fish

That's likely to change later on!
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